Editorial Globo
The projects carried out for Editorial Globo were diverse, covering the magazines Glamour, Marie Claire, Vida de Bicho, the CBN application, O Globo Jornal and Techtudo. The challenge included creating new designs and components for a platform migration, as well as incorporating new features to improve KPIs, and improve the user experience. The process of improving Editorial Globo's digital products involved tasks such as the implementation of user research, creation of user analysis, user flows, metrics analysis, people development and AB testing, usability and heuristics tests, as well as the creation of new Design Systems, wireframes, layouts, components, process documentation, sprint planning, and a lot of multidisciplinary communication with stakeholders, programmers, metrics team and Product Owners. My commitment to the company was always to offer an analytical and creative perspective to create accessible, simple and intuitive experiences.
WORKING FOR Editorial Globo
Working with Editora Globo in recent years has been an intense and enriching learning experience, which extends beyond the technical field to encompass the profound impact of collaborative, strategic and organized decision making. This journey has given me the opportunity to test hypotheses, conduct in-depth user research, and explore creative alternatives to solving UI and UX challenges. In essence, my experience has been enriching in several dimensions. Collaboration with multidisciplinary and professional teams has fostered a dynamic work environment. Creatively, I have been able to design innovative solutions and the breadth of my experience lies in exploring various alternatives based on user research on a wide range of products within Editorial Globo. This journey has not only deepened my technical expertise, but has also enhanced my ability to visualize and contribute to the broader impact of decisions made collectively, strategically, and with organizational precision.
The following cases are examples of the development of different processes and methods for solving detected UX problems and designing new proposals to improve the user experience. The cases are presented in two large areas of UX: UX Research and UX-UI Design.
UX research and analysis serves as a crucial tool for understanding the dynamics of Globo's digital products and guides the approach to tackling new challenges in enhancing their features, usability, and overall user experiences. Throughout my initial year at Globo, I focused extensively on UX analysis and research. Macro data visualization, CTR, and flow analyses, were use as a big compass to understand our products, stakeholders and users as general method approach, complementing with other methods that help us to understand both quantity and quality information: Google Analytics Metrics (CBN Website, Crescer, O Globo e-commerce, Tech Tudo, QUEM ): Analyzing user metrics through Google Analytics provided insights into user behaviors and interactions. The first view to understand the product context. Hotjar Heat Maps (Glamour, Crescer): Utilizing Hotjar heat maps for magazines allowed me to visually understand user engagement and preferences on the platform. Users flow to encompass our understanding of preferences inside our product. Heuristics Tests (CBN, Globo Rural, Tech Tudo, Crescer, Quem, O Globo): Developing heuristics tests helped assess the platform's usability against established principles and best practices. Persona Profiles and Interviews (Quem, Tech Tudo): Conducting persona profiles and interviews enabled a deeper understanding of user and stakeholders needs and preferences in a face to face quality research. Flow analysis is a pivotal component of our UX strategy, acting as a bridge between heuristics tests and insights into how users interact with pages, components, and the information architecture across our digital products. It allows us to understand user navigation patterns and provides valuable information on areas for improvement and the design of new engagement strategies. Double diamond and Design Sprint for Discovery process. Always with a User Centered Design and Design Thinking focus, the part that I enjoy the most, is the Discovery. This basic background took force during my last year, working for Editorial Globo and help me to support my team to dive in to a deep understanding of the impact of UX research to develop the Discovery process for all our products. All this information was instrumental in supporting my hypotheses and decision-making processes. The aim was to optimize various conversion metrics, including page views, content recirculation, marketing and business strategies, sales, subscriptions, and gathering strategic user information. Feel free to explore these UX research cases to gain a more comprehensive understanding of my work in UX research and analysis with Editorial Globo.
Case 2
O Globo E-commerce UX flow research
O Globo E-commerce needed to improve its sales flow. One of the biggest challenges was understanding the weak points compared to another big Globo platform: Globo Play. Comparing these two major e-commerce flows, we focused on understanding how to make the decision-making steps easier for our users, and make each step clear and available. We also recommend an A-B test to validate any flow hypotheses.
Case 1
CBN, Empathy map and experience improvement
The CBN app has shown declining metrics on its downloads, user usage time and page views over the past year coinciding with some ADS modifications. UX analyzes showed how users were affected (not only in numbers but in experience) on some heuristics and emotional ground rules of users. An empathic map showed that the user experience was frustrating during use due to ADS contamination, the quantity and quality of content was affecting the entire user experience.
El proceso de discovery y planeación organizó, analizó y detectó datos y estrategias para la resolución de pain point en la Revista QUEM. Nuestra definición de objetivos de investigación se guió por las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué necesitamos mejorar en la marca para recuperar nuestra pérdida de audiencia?, ¿Cuáles son nuestros objetivos de negocio y con los usuarios?, ¿Cómo recuperar nuestra audiencia y generar nuevos vínculos?, ¿Cómo mejorar nuestras métricas de PV y CTR?
Análisis de perfil de usuario para actualización con validación de datos según Demográfico de Google Analytics.
El análsis de datos fue uno de los primeros pasos en la fase de research, sin embargo, fueron constatadas hipótesis de consumo de contenidos, flujo de entrada de usuarios, benchmark de productos y performance para realizar una evaluación interna y externa del producto QUEM.
El proceso de discovery y planeación organizó, analizó y detectó datos y estrategias para la resolución de pain point en la Revista QUEM. Nuestra definición de objetivos de investigación se guió por las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué necesitamos mejorar en la marca para recuperar nuestra pérdida de audiencia?, ¿Cuáles son nuestros objetivos de negocio y con los usuarios?, ¿Cómo recuperar nuestra audiencia y generar nuevos vínculos?, ¿Cómo mejorar nuestras métricas de PV y CTR?